There was this moment in my life, I call it my "third life crisis", when I started an inside journey and started to transform and to dedicate my time more and more to my once only hobby, my music and my songs that I've been writing for over 15 years.

My passion slowly became a profession and is now what fulfills me. My life now is directed by music and I love it.

Luckily on this journey I met various great musicians who helped me record my album. With some of them I now also formed a band. Since 2017 we call ourselves EVON ROSE.

Music is also very visual to me, so everytime I write a song I also have the story playing like a film in my mind -  I had the honor of working with various talented film makers on some music videos. The possibility of enhancing the feelings a song creates with the power of moving pictures for me is fascinating and an art which I very much enjoy creating.

For getting inspiration I love to travel: I’m most at ease when I’m at sea chasing the wind so I can spend time following my other passion, kitesurfing. It gives me balance and peace of mind for my songs.

Music is my life and what keeps me going and I feel very blessed to now be able to share my songs and videos and all that came from this creative process with you!